
A marriage between a high ranking or wealthy man and a lower class or poor woman in which neither the woman nor her children are allowed the rank or benefits given the husband.

Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.

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  • Morganatic — Mor ga*nat ic, a. [LL. matrimonium ad morganaticam, fr. morganatica a morning gift, a kind of dowry paid on the morning before or after the marriage, fr. OHG. morgan morning, in morgangeba morning gift, G. morgengabe. See {Morn}.] Pertaining to,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • morganatic — MORGANÁTIC, Ă adj. Căsătorie morganatică = căsătorie între un bărbat dintr o familie monarhică sau princiară şi o femeie de altă condiţie socială, care nu i este socotită soţie decât din punct de vedere legal, fără a fi ridicată la rangul lui.… …   Dicționar Român

  • morganatic — (adj.) 1727, from Fr. morganatique (18c.), from M.L. matrimonium ad morganaticam marriage of the morning, probably from O.H.G. *morgangeba (M.H.G. morgengabe) morning gift, corresponding to O.E. morgengifu (see MORN (Cf. morn) + gift). In an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • morganatic — [môr΄gə nat′ik] adj. [< ML (matrimonium ad) morganaticam, (marriage with) morning gift < morganaticum, altered < OHG morgengeba, morning gift, gift given to the wife on the day after marriage (in lieu of any share in the husband s… …   English World dictionary

  • morganatic — [18] A morganatic marriage is one between people of different social status, in which the rank and entitlements of the higherstatus partner are not shared by the lower or their offspring. The word morganatic is a survival of an ancient Germanic… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • morganatic — [18] A morganatic marriage is one between people of different social status, in which the rank and entitlements of the higherstatus partner are not shared by the lower or their offspring. The word morganatic is a survival of an ancient Germanic… …   Word origins

  • morganatic — adjective /mɔːɡəˈnatɪk,mɔɻɡəˈnætɪk/ Designating a marriage (or the wife involved) between a man of higher rank and a woman of lower rank, often having various legal repercussions (typically that such a wife has no claim on the husbands… …   Wiktionary

  • morganatic — adj. Morganatic is used with these nouns: ↑marriage …   Collocations dictionary

  • Morganatic marriage — In the context of European royalty, a morganatic marriage is a marriage between people of unequal social rank, which prevents the passage of the husband s titles and privileges to the wife and any children born of the marriage. It is also known… …   Wikipedia

  • morganatic marriage — n. A marriage between a person of royal birth and a partner of lower rank, in which the latter has no royal status or title. Example Citation: It may be that many people in Britain would not seriously object to Charles marrying Camilla.... That… …   New words

  • MORGANATIC MARRIAGE —    is a union permitted to German princes who, forbidden to marry except with one of equal rank, may ally themselves with a woman of inferior status, their children being legitimate but not eligible for the succession; the marriages of British… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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