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Ophidiophobia — or ophiophobia is a particular type of specific phobia, the abnormal fear of snakes. Fear of snakes is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles and/or amphibians. The word comes from the Greek words ophis (ὄφις)… … Wikipedia
ophidiophobia — noun The phobia or fear of snakes. But why would the proud Egyptians borrow spells composed by foreigners in an alien tongue? The answer in a word: ophiophobia (fear of snakes). The Egyptians believed that poisonous snakes posed a threat to the… … Wiktionary
ofiofobie — OFIOFOBÍE s. f. teamă morbidă de şerpi; ofidiofobie. (< engl. ophiophobia) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român