- sodality
- An association or organized group
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Sodality — • It would not be possible to give a definition making a clear distinction between the sodalities and other confraternities; consequently the development and history of the sodalities are the same as those of the religious confraternities… … Catholic encyclopedia
Sodality — So*dal i*ty, n.; pl. {Sodalities}. [L. sodalitas, fr. sodalis a comrade.] 1. A fellowship or fraternity; a brotherhood. [1913 Webster] 2. (R. C. Ch.) Specifically, a lay association for devotion or for charitable purposes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sodality — I noun alignment, alliance, amity, association, bond, brotherhood, brotherliness, camaraderie, clique, club, colleagueship, combination, communion, community, community of interest, companionship, compatibility, comradeship, concord, confederacy … Law dictionary
sodality — companionship, fellowship, c.1600, from M.Fr. sodalité, from L. sodalitatem (nom. sodalitas) companionship, a brotherhood, from sodalis companion, related to suescere to accustom (see MANSUETUDE (Cf. mansuetude)). Especially of religious guilds… … Etymology dictionary
sodality — [sō dal′ə tē] n. pl. sodalities [L sodalitas < sodalis, companion < IE base * swedh > ETHICAL] 1. fellowship; companionship 2. an association or brotherhood 3. R.C.Ch. a lay society for devotional or charitable activity … English World dictionary
Sodality — In Christian theology, a sodality is a form of the Church universal expressed in specialized, task oriented form as opposed to the Church in its local, diocesan form (which is termed modality). In North America, the name sodality is most commonly … Wikipedia
sodality — noun /səʊˈdælɪti/ a) Companionship. Those would, he thought, be expatriate writers. He was, of course, one of those himself now, but he was indifferent to the duties and pleasures of sodality. b) A fraternity, a society or association. There’d… … Wiktionary
Sodality \(Confraternity\) — • A voluntary association of the faithful, established and guided by competent ecclesiastical authority for the promotion of special works of Christian charity or piety Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Sodality of Our Lady — A series of articles on Roman Catholic Mariology General articles Overview of Mariology • Veneration of the Blessed Virgin • History of Mariology Marian Movemen … Wikipedia
Sodality (Catholic Church) — A sodality, also known as a union of prayer or confraternity , is an older designation for a lay ecclesial movement or organization in the Roman Catholic Church. In many Christian religions, modality refers to the structure and organization of… … Wikipedia
Sodality (social anthropology) — In social anthropology, a sodality is a non kin group organized for a specific purpose (economic, cultural, or other), and frequently spanning villages or towns [http://www.wifi assen.nl/ mahuuon/CA/CA glos a.htm] . Sodalities are often based on… … Wikipedia