- noematachograph
- A device used for measuring reaction times
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Noematachograph — No*e ma*tach o*graph, n. [Gr. no hma the understanding + ta chos swiftness + graph.] An instrument for determining and registering the duration of more or less complex operations of the mind. Dunglison. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
noematachograph — no·e·ma·tacho·graph (no e″mə takґo graf) [Gr. noēma thought + tacho + graph] a device for registering the time required in a mental operation … Medical dictionary
noematachograph — no·e·ma·tach·o·graph … English syllables
noematachograph — nōˌēməˈtakəˌgraf, rȧf noun Etymology: Greek noēma thought, understanding + English tacho + graph : an instrument for measuring complex reaction time … Useful english dictionary