- automysophobia
- A fear of being dirty
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
automysophobia — Morbid dread of personal uncleanliness. [auto + G. mysos, dirt, + phobos, fear] * * * au·to·my·so·pho·bia (aw″to mi″so foґbe ə) [auto + mysophobia] irrational fear of being unclean or smelling bad … Medical dictionary
automysophobia — fear of being dirty Phobias … Phrontistery dictionary
automysophobia — noun a morbid fear of being dirty • Hypernyms: ↑simple phobia … Useful english dictionary
Phobia — An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder. For example, extreme fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, and fear of being outside is known as agoraphobia. Phobias… … Medical dictionary
Phobias — This is a list that has been stewing on my hard drive for several years, defining 136 phobias, irrational or pathological fears of various things. The reason I ve resisted is that someone else has done a far more thorough job than I could ever do … Phrontistery dictionary
simple phobia — noun any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with relatively simple well defined stimuli • Hypernyms: ↑phobia, ↑phobic disorder, ↑phobic neurosis • Hyponyms: ↑acrophobia, ↑algophobia, ↑aquaphobia, ↑ … Useful english dictionary