- stereognosis
- Deducing the weight of an object by handling it
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Stereognosis — is the ability to perceive the form of an object by using the sense of touch. This sense, along with tactile spatial acuity, vibration perception, texture discrimination and proprioception, are mediated by the Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscal… … Wikipedia
stereognosis — stereognostic /ster ee og nos tik, stear /, adj. /ster ee og noh sis, stear /, n. the ability to determine the shape and weight of an object by touching or lifting it. [1900 05; < NL; see STEREO , GNOSIS] * * * … Universalium
stereognosis — noun The ability to perceive the form of an object by using the sense of touch … Wiktionary
stereognosis — The appreciation of the form of an object by means of touch. [stereo + G. gnosis, knowledge] * * * ste·re·og·no·sis .ster ē äg nō səs, .stir n ability to perceive or the perception of material qualities (as shape) of an object by handling or… … Medical dictionary
stereognosis — n. ability to determine the shape and weight of an object by feeling and lifting … English contemporary dictionary
stereognosis — stere·og·no·sis … English syllables
stereognosis — n. the ability to recognize the three dimensional shape of an object by touch alone. This is a function of the association areas of the parietal lobe of the brain. See also: agnosia … The new mediacal dictionary
stereognosis — n. ability to perceive weight, form, etc., of a body by touch. ♦ sterognostic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
stereognosis — ˌsterēägˈnōsə̇s, ˌstir noun ( es) Etymology: New Latin, from stere + gnosis : ability to perceive or the perception of material qualities (as form, weight) of an object by handling or lifting it : tactile recognition … Useful english dictionary
Стереогноз, Чувствительность Пространственная (Stereognosis) — способность распознавать пространственную форму предмета при прикосновении к нему. Такой способностью человек обладает благодаря функционированию ассоциативных зон, расположенных в теменной доле головного мозга. См. также Агнозия. Источник:… … Медицинские термины