- pococurante
- Nonchalant or indifferent
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Grandiloquent dictionary. 2006.
Pococurante — Po co*cu*ran te, n. [It. poco curante caring little.] A careless person; a trifler. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pococurante — index careless, casual, cold blooded, inactive, insusceptible (uncaring), lax, lifeless (dull) … Law dictionary
pococurante — [pō΄kō ko͞o ran′tē, pō΄kōkyo͞oran′tē] adj. [It poco curante < poco (< L paucus, little: see FEW) + curante, prp. of curare, to care < L cura, care: see CURE] caring little; indifferent; apathetic n. an indifferent or apathetic person… … English World dictionary
pococurante — 1. adjective /ˌpəʊ.kəʊ.kjʊəˈræn.ti,ˌpoʊ.koʊ.kjuːˈrɑːn.ti/ apathetic, indifferent or nonchalant The Treasury was entrusted to the pococurante capacity of Grafton, the Exchequer to the erratic genius of Charles Townshend. Syn: aloof, apathetic … Wiktionary
pococurante — (po ko ku ran té) s. m. Celui qui ne se soucie de rien, qui n estime rien. Mot créé par Voltaire, qui en a fait un nom propre. • On parle, dit Candide, du seigneur Pococurante qui demeure dans ce beau palais sur la Brenta, et qui reçoit assez… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
pococurante — adjective Etymology: Italian poco curante caring little Date: 1815 indifferent, nonchalant • pococurantism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
pococurante — pococurantism /poh koh koo ran tiz euhm, rahn , kyoo /, pococuranteism, n. /poh koh koo ran tee, rahn , kyoo /; It. /paw kaw kooh rddahn te/, n., pl. pococuranti / tee/, adj. n. 1. a careless or indifferent person. adj. 2. caring little;… … Universalium
pococurante — adj. indifferent, apathetic, nonchalant (From Italian: poco curante which means caring little ) n. apathetic person, person who is indifferent, nonchalant person, easy go lucky person … English contemporary dictionary
pococurante — adj caring little, indifferent, blase , apathetic, uninterested, incurious, uninquisitive; unconcerned, nonchalant, careless, insouciant; distant, aloof, removed, Laodicean; neutral, unaffected, untouched, unstirred, unmoved, impassive,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pococurante — po·co·cu·ran·te … English syllables
pococurante — po•co•cu•ran•te [[t]ˌpoʊ koʊ kʊˈræn ti, ˈrɑn , kyʊ [/t]] n. pl. ti [[t] ti[/t]] adj. 1) fot a careless or indifferent person 2) fot caring little; indifferent • Etymology: 1755–65; < It: lit., caring little. See poco, cure, ant … From formal English to slang